In the latest National Institute of Technology notification, the Institute has mentioned the job vacancies for the post of Junior Research Fellow. Under the job notification of 2021, candidates who have completed BE/B.Tech in ECE and ME/ M.Tech in Communication systems/ Telecommunication Engineering/ Microwave and optical engineering/ Advanced Communication systems/ Wireless Communication with first class in the required subjects are only eligible to apply. The candidates selected to get salary pay of Rs. 35,960/- inclusive of HRA.Candidates desiring to appear for the Interview should send duly filled in application form to email id:rpands@nitt.eduon or before January 30th, 2021.
Name of the required post :
Junior Research Fellow
JOB Description:
Design and development of X-band &Ka-band passive devices
Other Details:
- Candidates before appearing for the interview shall ensure that they are eligible for the position they
intend to apply. - Candidates shall bring along with them the duly filled in application form and original certificates at the
time of interview for verification. The dully filled application of hard copy has to be submitted during
the interview. - Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending theinterview.
- The application should be submitted only in the prescribedformat.
- Mere full filling the above criteria will not be sufficient. The higher criteria for the selection of the
candidates may be imposed based on the number of applications. - The selection committee decision is final. If any applicants found to canvass in any manner, the
candidate selection shall be summarily rejected.