In the latest Vidyanjali Academy advertisement, the Academy has mentioned the various job vacancies for the post of Teacher. Under the job notification of 2021, all the candidates who have trained AMI / IMTC / IMA in the required subjects are only eligible to apply.
1. Pre-Primary, Primary & Montessori Teachers
Candidates should be AMI/IMTC/IMA trained
2. Nursery
Candidates should have a nursery training certificate from a recognized board
3. Primary, Middle, High School Teachers
English- Candidates should have studied English as the subject in all the three years of a degree course
Hindi - Should have studied Hindi at Graduate level
Social- The candidates should have taken Social studies at the graduate level with relevant subjects as electives.
Mathematics - Should have taken Mathematics at the graduation level.
Science- Must have studied science subjects Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Botany/ Zoology at graduation
Candidates should be trained with B.Ed. and have experience.
Note: Candidates can walk-in or contact at the no. 080-23544891, 9008202222
Contact Address
Vidyanjali Academy for Learning
(Affiliated to CBSE)
P.T.Nagar, Bangalore-32