How to make money by selling Ebooks online - 10 best practices are listed below 


May 8, 2021

© Parttimejobsall

The internet has changed various things in our world. In this growing world, slow letters are replaced with email. We prefer using Skype rather than draining our money over far-reaching phone calls and prefer to shop on Amazon rather than taking the pain of going to the local shopping mall and dealing with the heavy crowd. On the flip edge of that, as the internet using entrepreneurs, we utilize email for the advertising of our products and services, use Skype for attending or conducting meetings, and can earn a persistent selling on and that’s just a small glimpse of all the benefits we enjoy and all thanks to the internet for that. One of the substantial disrupted firms and one of those that impart a great path for making money through online mode for an individual entrepreneur is by publishing a book. Especially, publishing, and selling their electronic books online.

We all have witnessed what the big publishing firms do with huge offices of writers, editors, administrative staff, followed by wide printing presses and then distribution centers for getting their books revealed to bookstores all over the country, thereby hoping it to be read by every customer. But now you can easily do all this by yourself by using your computer and the internet. Due to the deficiency of marketing support from the big publishing firm, many of us are discovering that publishing your book by yourself is a much better and profitable option. There are some major differences between this author-publishing and the conventional publishing process. In the former one, readers don’t have to deal with the printed books, thereby eradicating the expenditure and struggle of actually creating, storing, and delivering the book written by them. Everything is going to be digitized as the reader will be able to read these self-published e-books on platforms like Amazon's Kindle or another tablet or mobile phone, or even on a pc.

So first let's take a look at what exactly e-books are and then discuss how you can make money efficiently through the selling of your ebooks online by self-marketing it.

What do you understand about Ebooks?

Ebook is an abbreviated version of electronic books. These are the special types of books available in the format of getting delivered or downloaded online. You can either write these ebooks by yourself, or hire writers, or utilize content from a public sphere, or can create your electronic books from various sources by covering any subject. Traveling guides, manuals stating how-to-use themes, mysteries, romance and technical fiction, self-love, entrepreneurship, technology, religion, etc., etc., just writing about any subject is even game as far as there is a market full of buyers ready to buy your content.

Also, you don’t have to depend on an editor or publisher for telling you whether your book is eligible for being published or not or on any bookstore to put your book on its shelves. You are in a complete self in-charge of the entire process. From marketing to selling everything is managed by you, which assures no share of the profit earned. Self-published writers have had huge success in the last few years.

Methods of making money online by selling e-books:

Keep in your mind that is the most customary way that most people choose for selling their ebooks online. So you can either choose or your website for directly selling your ebook. More are listed below.

Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Prime Borrows:

If your eBook is registered in the KDP Select program of Amazon, then members of Amazon Prime and Kindle Unlimited members can read your ebook for free. Even though the customer does not pay for reading your ebook, Amazon will still pay you on the basis of the number of pages being read by the members of your book. Most authors get around one to two dollars every time a customer reads their book and in this way, a big amount of money can be earned if your eBook becomes popular on Amazon.

Lead Generation:

When you give away your book for free, you are converting desultory people into probabilities who know you, relish you, and trust you. You can then easily convert those readers into your lifelong fans, mail subscribers, and paying customers. Most businesses are willing to pay a handsome amount for generating leads, but you can do it for free by simply giving away your electronic book.

Free Marketing and Exposure:

Once your book is published and available online, then there are thousands of opportunities to grow its sale. There are various websites available for promoting your free book. It's also easy to get customers, bloggers, and influencers to talk about your book and share their reviews if it’s free.

Building your email list and increasing social followers:

Inside your ebook, you can ask readers to sign with their email ids for building your email list. You can also ask them to follow you on social media, this will help you increase your followers on social platforms. If you get a thousand people to download your book for free, then you would get at least a thousand new email subscribers and fan followers.

Selling your products and services:

If someone invests the time in reading your entire book, this likely concludes that they are willing to learn even more from you. In such a situation the back of your book is the perfect place to acknowledge readers about any other books, products, or services you sell. Numerous non-fiction authors earn more money from selling products and services to readers than they do from the aristocracy.

Promote associated products or offers:

If you do not have your products or services for selling, then you can sign up as an associated member and get paid when your fans buy the products or services from your affiliated firms. For the convenience of the reader, you can directly add affiliate links inside your book. You can also create a downloadable PDF or list of resources on your website that readers can use for finding great products you recommend.

Get tons of book reviews:

With a free book, you can efficiently get more readers, which can lead you to get lots of reviews for your book and this is the main reason why several authors make their books free for some limited course of time. After receiving some great exposure and book reviews, they alter the price of the book and gain benefit from all the great spoken-word and social proof.

Get Amazon for promoting your book:

Amazon introduces popular books to readers. So if you sell your book for free, then there are high chances of increment in the number of downloads and reads than an average book in your market and if so happens then you will get plenty of extra promotion and downloads from Amazon at no extra cost.

Quick and easy search engine rankings:

Getting your website to rank 1 in Google in this ever-growing competitive world is tough, but it’s incredibly easy for Amazon to get ranked 1 in Google. You can obtain a page of your book on Amazon ranked very highly in Google, even for competitive search terms, if you have a book that is loved by the readers.

Attract lifelong fans:

Longer running business success requires indelible relationships. By offering your book for free, you will engage more readers. If your work makes a high impact, then most of those readers will convert into lifelong fans and these fans can support you in the future sales of the book, in buying your other products and services or affiliated products, support you on different social grounds, and many other ways.

So ultimately never underestimate the power of lifelong fans. Explore and practice above tips for selling books online.

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